Monday, August 12, 2019

Drinking under the influence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drinking under the influence - Essay Example I have had to deal with not sleeping at night after becoming aware of who I hurt in the process and be able to live a new life, so that I am conscious of what I do and not to hurt others in the process. This has been a new learning experience for me. Visualizing those bodies at the morgue made me realize the loss of those families, their pain, and their hatred towards people like me (well deserved). I have learned quite a lesson which is (although I would have preferred not to have learned it this way), DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. I have referred to the death victims, but, what about those that suffer physical harm and are incapacitated for life? If I cannot sleep with comfort now, I can not imagine what would have been of me if someone’s life would be hindered in such a way that they could not resume their life according to their prior dreams. I wholeheartedly, recommend to anyone that if they drink and drive, to go see people that are in charge of DUI and MADD and learn of what people’s responsibilities are and what you have to go through. It is not a pretty sight and hopefully you will be dissuaded from drinking and driving. Talking with them will give insights to know: what is expected of you; how you should act responsibly; how to consider the possible consequences of your actions; and, that drinking and driving do not go hand-in-hand. Avoid a disaster in your life. Be well and learn from my experiences. There is no reason why you should have to go through these awful experiences. Just as a dear friend of mine once said, â€Å"You do not have to have cancer to know that it is

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